ProdecoTech E-bike Battery Cell Replacement

By Tim Chin  •  116 comments  •   1 minute read

Prodeco LiFePO4 Battery

Does your ProdecoTech e-bike need a battery upgrade? Don't pay for a brand new one, just send us yours and we'll rebuild it with fresh, new lithium ion cells! We can take care of LiFePO4 pack that comes with select Phantom, Outlaw, Oasis, and Mariner models. For pricing information, see our ProdecoTech battery rebuilds page.

ProdecoTech E-bike Rear Rack Battery

It doesn't matter what form factor your battery has or which model Prodeco bike. This skinny rear rack pack comes on various Phantom, Genesis, Mariner, Island, and Stride models. We can typically upgrade these to 36V 14Ah.

ProdecoTech downtube lithium battery

These integrated downtube that's on a number of Phantom, Rebel, and Genesis e-bikes. We can usually upgrade these to 36V 17.5Ah.

If you want us to replace your battery cells and upgrade your pack so you can ride longer, fill out our Battery Intake Form or contact us for more information!

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I need a replacement battery on a Prodeco phantom X
old battery was LifeP04 38.4V 9ah removable v12.1
What are my options?


@Archie – We’ll be in touch with our current pricing options!

EBike Marketplace,

have 2 prodeco batteries need rebuilt 24 volt 9 ah high power lithium lifePo4 batteries need rebuilt have cases sit on rear carrier what approximate cost been looking for a while no luck thanks

archie kifer,

@Stacey – Our current pricing can be found here:

EBike Marketplace,

I have a Samsung SDI battery that I’d like to have rebuilt and upgraded. Can you give me an idea of cost?

Stacey Benson,

@Kathy – We can only rebuild batteries that customers send in. We do not stock new Prodeco batteries.

EBike Marketplace,

would like to buy a samsung sdi rack 36v10.4 ah li battery for my prodeci phantom 400 electric bike

Kathy Andrews,

@John – We’d be happy to rebuild and upgrade it for you.

EBike Marketplace,

@Bill – We will be in touch with upgrade options.

EBike Marketplace,

I have a prodeco Gstride and is not working the battery is good ,I can’t find a bike shop to repair it ,and prodeco phone is busy all the time.

John tahbaz,

I have the intergrated down tube 36V 14.25 Ah battery from Prodecotech what would an estimate of cost be to upgrade 17.5 Ah
I see $600 on the pricing page but is that for the 17.5Ah?


Bill Schuh

Bill Schuh,

@Gary – You’ll most likely need a full rebuild:

EBike Marketplace,

@Nathaniel – We’ll be in touch with some recommendations.

EBike Marketplace,

@Kevin – Our current pricing can be found here:

EBike Marketplace,

I have a Prodeco Bike with a Samsung Battery Model SDI-3610F 36V 10MA. It gave me issue last year and Prodeco went out of business and could not get help.My local bike shop worked on it and it out again, I know they clipped some wires and it would charge but no lites would come on now it stopped charging again. I need mine rebuilt or buy a new one. Can you assist and how much? Thanks Gary

Gary Lapierre,

I have a Prodeco Gstride bicycle circa 2013. It has original battery and charger. The motor and bicycle are in good condition. The charger green light goes on but when I plug into the battery it does not change to red and start charging?? Any advice greatly appreciated

Nathaniel S Wilson,

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