e-Moto Electric Bicycle Battery Replacement and Repair

By Tim Chin  •  56 comments  •   1 minute read

e-Moto e-bike battery replacement

We can repair or replace your old e-Moto electric bike batteries! Our latest lithium ion cells allows us to fit in a 36V 13Ah battery in the same case giving you almost 45% more range!  We can also upgrade your 24V system. Don't let a drained battery ruin your ride. We'll get you back on the road again in no time. Check out our prices for E-moto battery rebuilds.

E-Moto electric bike battery replacement

We use fresh, grade A cells from top tier manufacturers and we warranty all of our batteries for 12 months, so you can have confidence you'll get where you're trying to go. Give us a call or fill out our Battery Intake Form to get the process started today. We'll even recycle your old batteries for you!

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@Wayne – We can rebuild your current battery, but we do not carry inventory of new or spare batteries.

EBike Marketplace,

Iliktobuy a battery this wayneroberts

Wayne Roberts,

@Halldor, Unfortunately, we do not carry new batteries, so you’d have to try to find one from other vendors or through used sales channels.

EBike Marketplace,

Where can I buy a battery like this ?


Hi Bill, You can find pricing under our Rebuilds tab above. Please see our Battery Intake Form (link in the footer under Information) to send your battery in. Thank you!


How much to rebuild a emoto 37 volt 9ah battery? Who do I call? Where do I send old battery?

Bill Watson,

Beth blundell: Thank you for your inquiry. Please call or email us at salesebikemarketplace.com and we can get a product specialist to help you.


Trying to find the correct battery for my brothers e-motto electric scooter, we also need a new charger s well. Having a very difficult time finding the correct info. Thank you

Beth blundell,

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